SOLD OUT for 2024!
- Herbal Gift Boxes -
The rhythm of the seasons are reflected in distinct personalities,
I have distilled these seasonal energies into four archetypes.

This is a limited edition - only 10 available of each archetype.
Our gift boxes come beautifully wrapped and tagged,
the perfect present for that special someone in your life.

I've poured my love and devotion into crafting these unique boxes to provide an opportunity for connection, stillness, reflection, and self care. Each box has a unique entryway but serves the same purpose, to help reconnect someone with their natural rhythm.
Brimming with a selection of our favourite things, including a herbal tisane, a hydrosol, and a botanical skincare delight. Each box also features a postcard of the archetype, as well as an informative (and genius) little booklet filled with details about the archetype and all the herbal goods included.